Artificial Intelligence is everywhere. Join the first ever worldwide AI Olympiad. Learn about AI, establish your credentials, and win prizes! Open to all students aged 10-18.
AI4Science is proud to host the International AI Olympiad, as part of our mission to advance education of AI, ethical and responsible AI, and AI in the sciences. We believe that AI education and usuing AI well in science is key to humanity's future.

Register by February 1, 2024
Register by filling out the form here. Once you register, you will get access to lots of free resources to help you prepare

Use the resources to practice. Some of the practice questions will be included in the actual Olympiad, so be sure to practice often!
You can access our practice app here.

Round 1 of the Olympiad will be available online on January 2nd. For those who qualify - the final round will be available on March 2nd.
What age groups can compete?
Ages from 10-18 are eligibile. If you are within this age group on August 1, 2024, you qualify!
What are the prizes?
First place: $1000
Second place: $500
Third place: $100
Plus, the top 20 competitors will get honorable mentions and a certificate from AI4Science.
Is this a team or individual competition?
It is an individual competition
What language is the competition in?
All questions and resources are available in english but easily translated via AI to any language you like! The competition can be accessed in a wide range of languages. Please provide your preferred language on the registatration form and we will be able to help you!
When will the competition be?
Competition will be in two rounds. You can access the first round between January 2nd 2024 and March 2nd 2024. Those who qualify for the second (final round) will be able to access the exam live on several dates between March 2nd 2024 and March 31 2024. Winners will be announced on April 14, 2024.
Can I see some sample questions?
Yes! Please check out some sample questions here! You will also get a lot more resources when you register!
What will the structure of the competition be?
The competition will be entirely online. You do not need anything but a web browser to join. There will be 30 multiple choice questions and you will have one hour to answer as many as you can.